
Skin care during the UV Phototherapy Period

2021-05-18 13:57

308 nm excimer lamp

Now more and more people will take UV phototherapy when we have skin issues. And what should we pay attention to during the phototherapy? Today we're going to share about this.

When we use narrow spectrum UVB or 308nm ultraviolet radiation treatment may cause skin changes, the affected area will present varying degrees of erythema, dryness, a few cases will appear itching, swelling, blisters, should be observed and care for the irradiated area of the skin after each treatment.


After irradiation, some steps should be taken to protect the irradiated area. When cleaning the skin, act gently, avoid rubbing, and youd better bathe in warm water, avoid using irritating soaps and bath lotions, and choose topical drugs and cosmetics with little irritation. When the skin is dry and desquamated, medical moisturizing skin care products can be used in the irradiated area to promote the regeneration and repair of the skin.  If skin flushing, slight tingling or burning, indicating that the irradiation dose is too high, the irradiation dose should be reduced or rest for several days, until the symptoms disappear before continuing treatment. If skin redness and blisters occur, stop irradiating and consult a doctor for treatment. In the treatment of vitiligo, such as improper protection of the normal skin around the leukoplakia, pigmentation, without special treatment, can be gradually relieved after the end of treatment; During the treatment, the irradiation site should strictly avoid the sun, especially when going out in summer, the UV is strong, please remember to do sun protection for the irradiation area. During phototherapy,  we should avoid irradiation from other artificial light sources to prevent aggravating photosensitive reaction and affecting the treatment course.

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