
Really?? 87% of the Users Don't Know How to Use Home UV phototherapy device

2023-04-04 18:41

Skin Conditions

When we found that there's something wrong with our skin, we went to see our dermatologist and then got dignosised skin conditions , like vitiligo and psoriasis, eczema. As it's known that phototherapy is one of the most effective and safe way to treat skin disorders. Usually our dermatologist suggest we take phototherapy in hospital.

But gradually we found that it's inconventiently for us to go to hospital frequently. Then Home Phototherapy is a better choice.

Advantages of Home Phototherapy

Portable, light weight, easy to operate, convenient to carry out for trip, etc. There're so many advantages of home phototherapy device, that's the reason why it's so popular around the world.

311nm uvb lamp

How to confirm the treating time?

If your uvb lamp supports MED test, you can do the MED test first, then get your dosage, then calculate the treating time.

In this way, we'll know how to use every uvb phototherapy device easily.

If not, you can get the prescription from your dermatologist, or you can follow our instructions as following to confirm your dosage.

First Step:  choose your skin type and initial dosage:

home use uv phototherapy

then adjust the dosage according to the reaction of your skin:

for narrow band uvb(311nm) device:

vitiligo treatment

for 308nm uvb:

311nm uvb lamp

after we get the dosage which suits your skin. Eg, 300mJ.

every uvb wand has a unique irradiation intensity, the unit is mJ/cm2. such as 8mW/cm2.

And then you can calculate the treating time.

Treating time (seconds) = dosage (mJ)  /  intensity (mW/cm2) 

                                               300 (mJ)   /  8  (mW/cm2.) = 37.5 seconds

Now you get your treating time, 37.5 seconds.

Cautions during and after the UV Phototherapy

Before undergoing the phototherapy, please do remember to wear UV goggles to protect your eyes.

And after the phototherapy, please pay attention to the sunscreen, avoiding extra uv irradiation on your skin.

If your skin feel dry, itching, use the moisturizing lotion on the irradiated ares to ease;  if there's blisters show up and even sunburn, suspen the next treatment and consult your dermatologist.

How you think about our sharing? Your valuable feedback will be much appreciated.

If you have any further questions or problems about uv phototherapy, please don't hesitate to reach us, we, Kernel Med are always here for you.

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