
Meet with Kernel at 28th EADV congress 9-13 October 2019 MADRID SPAIN

2019-08-30 14:02

28th EADV congress 

9-13 October 2019 


Kernel Booth number#Hall 8 F18

skin beauty deviecs

Since its foundation in 1987, the Academy has held more than 25 congresses and more than 15 symposia.

And Kernel Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd has been with EADV for nearly 20 years long.

Each year we followed with the discussions about the latest topics

in Dermatology and Venereology.

We continue to improve ourselves according to the latest trends, and continue to expand and update our product line. For now, we have developed the latest UV phototherapy machine:KN-5000C, 308nm targeted laser machine , the most intelligent Wood's lamp: KN-9000A HD video woods lamp, upgraded our exsit digital video colposcope Etc.

We are more willing to meet with you at EADV and we look forward to your on-site experience of our products.

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