How does the treatmeng of laser hair regrowth work
The topic we're going to talk about is the laser hair regrowth treatment
How Does Laser Hair Regrowth Treatment Work?
Laser hair therapy uses medical-grade lasers to deliver safe, low level laser light to your scalp. Laser therapy is similar to watering plants. Like the water and nutrients absorbed by plants, the light energy is absorbed by your hair follicles so that your hair can continue to grow. As the light is absorbed, microcirculation increases, therefore distributing a more abundant blood supply and nutrients to the hair follicle. Low level laser light stimulates cellular activity in your follicles to help diminish hair loss while helping regrow hair.
Stimulates hair regrowth
Reduces further hair loss
Increases hair strentgh and density (fullness)
No common side effects
Can be used in men and women, and for all hair lengths
Manageable daily time commitment
The benefits above are based on clinical studies, published medical journal articles and client experience. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed.
Reference: an artical written Dr. Angela Phipps
In conclusion, the Low Level Light Therapy of laser hair regrowth treatment is safe and high-effecitve.
If you're troubled by hair loss, just try our laser treament for hair regrowth devices: